Thursday, October 30, 2014

Healthy Snacking

I wanted to share this article with you. I thought it was very well written and informative with great suggestions. There seems to be a big divide between those who think snacking is a good thing and those who think snacking is bad … which baffles me a little bit. I’ve always been solidly in the pro-snacking camp – for reasons I’ll get to in a minute – and I just assumed that most other people felt the same way about healthy snacking. But some of my clients seem almost offended if I suggest that they snack (“Me, snack? Never!). For a long time, I couldn’t make sense of this, and then one day, it struck me. To some, snacking means “eating when you’re not hungry” – which, of course, is “bad”. To others, the question, “do you eat snacks?” is heard as, “do you eat snack foods?” which may explain why they get defensive – it sounds as if I’m accusing them of loading up on unhealthy snack foods like chips, cookies and candy. So here’s my take on snacking: when it’s done right, snacking can be a healthy habit that may help you manage your weight and balance your diet. Five Reasons Why Snacking Can Be a Healthy Habit 1. Smart snacking may prevent you from overeating at meal time. Most of us get hungry about every 3-4 hours. So, if there’s a long stretch between meals, you’re likely to get hungry – which is why a snack would be appropriate. But if you resist the urge to snack and try to “tough it out”, there’s a good chance you’ll just make up for it by overeating at your next meal. 2. Smart snacking can help you reduce your overall calorie intake for the day. Sometimes I have a hard time convincing people that healthy snacking can help them control their total calorie intake for the day – they figure that they’re just going to add snacks (and their calories) right on top of everything they’re already eating. But if a well-planned, healthy snack helps you eat less at mealtimes, then you’ll cut your daily calories overall. 3. Smart snacking can help you to work more healthy foods into your day. This is usually my strongest argument for those who resist snacking (or who skip meals altogether). The more often you eat, the easier it will be to work in your daily servings of healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, and calcium-rich dairy products. 4. Snacks can help you maintain your physical and mental energy. When you eat regular meals and snacks, it can help keep your blood sugar more stable throughout the day – a good defense against between-meal dips in blood sugar that can sap your mental and physical energy. 5. A substantial afternoon snack can help control portions at dinner – which tends to be the largest meal of the day. Lots of people manage to control their eating pretty well during the day, but really cut loose at night and eat a huge dinner. For those folks, a larger afternoon snack – almost a small “second lunch” – makes it much easier to cut back at the evening meal. When Is The Snacking Habit Not Healthy? You might want to take a closer look at your snacking habits if: - You’re eating unhealthy, high calorie foods like sweets, chips, and sodas. Not only can these high calorie snack foods contribute to weight gain, they offer little – if any – nutritional value. - You’re eating for reasons other than hunger. Snacking wisely means that you choose healthy foods to eat in between meals to help control your appetite and meet your nutritional needs. But if you tend to snack when you’re not hungry – maybe you’re bored, stressed, angry or tired – it’s a habit you might want to think about breaking. What Makes a Snack Healthy? One reason snacking has gotten such a bad rap is because so many common ‘snack foods’ are high in fat, sugar, salt and calories. You’ll want to steer clear of those, and instead put together a snack that will provide a mix of low fat protein and healthy carbohydrate. The carbs will get digested first and satisfy your hunger right away, and the protein will give your snack a bit more staying power. Healthy Snack Ideas The protein-carb combo can be put together in almost endless ways. Here are a few snack suggestions: - Protein shake made with nonfat or lowfat milk, protein powder and fruit. You can scale the size down a bit for a ‘snack-size’ shake - Protein snack bars – great to carry with you so you always have a healthy snack on hand - Plain nonfat yogurt, sweetened with a little maple syrup and cinnamon, topped with fruit. - Raw veggies – carrots, cherry tomatoes, peppers – dipped in hummus. - Nonfat latte made with milk or soy milk - Nonfat cottage cheese topped with diced veggies or fresh fruit - Small handful of nuts – almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans or soy nuts - Sliced hard-boiled egg on tomato slices with a twist of fresh ground pepper - Edamame soybeans – heated up, drizzle with a little low-sodium soy sauce - Canned tuna mashed with avocado and spread on a few whole grain crackers - Few slices of turkey or smoked salmon wrapped around cucumber sticks What are your favorite snacks? I’d love to hear them! Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Healthy Weight Loss-Motivation to move

Everyone needs a little motivation to get that 20% exercise in every now and then. Whether you exercise in the morning or after work we all have those days that you can make an excuse not to get out and move. I found this and wanted to share it with you. I am going to hang this where I will see it first thing in the morning and when I get home to get me going for my 20%!

Healthy Weight Loss-Getting Back On Track

I went away with my sister this past weekend. I tried to stay on track with my Herbalife but like all of us when on vacation you do have a tendousy to fall off track. Don't worry about it just get back on track when you get back home into your regular routine. Here is some tips that will help you do just that.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Great Cellulite Fighter-All Natural!

Herbalife Cell-U-Loss Tablets are often called the “water eliminator”. These tablets are popular enhancers in the Herbalife nutrition products. The kidneys are designed to eliminate waste from the body. Herbalife Cell-U-Loss pills assists the kidneys in doing just that. The Herbalife Cell-U-Loss tablets are great for people who have problems with excess body fluids. Although we may have great eating and workout habits, our bodies may still retain fluids. Many distributors recommend this product for people who want to lose belly fat and get ripped abs because water weight tends to gather in the midsection. The Herbalife Cell-U-Loss tablets are perfect for targeting this issue. Herbalife Cell-U-Loss Tablets Ingredients This unique herbal formulation includes the following: •Corn silk •Dandelion •Parsley •Asparagus The above-mentioned ingredients naturally help eliminate excess body fluids. Herbalife Cell-U-Loss Tablet Uses Herbalife Cell-U-Loss tablets are great enhancers to the basic Quickstart program. Cell-U-Loss pills: the appearance of healthier skin, reduce the normal accumulation of fluids in the body, get rid of water weight, the natural detoxification process, and 5.offer support for the urinary tract. How To Use Herbalife Cell-U-Loss You take one tablet three times per day. You can take Herbalife Cell-U-Loss tablets with meals or with snacks and a tall glass of water.

Healthy Weight Loss - The Correct Way!

Herbalife weight loss products contain the necessary herbs in order to facilitate losing weight. Some of the well-known herbalife weight loss products are Herbalife formula 1 strawberry weight control powder, Herbalife diet formula 1 tropical fruit, Herbalife formula 1 vanilla diet slim lose weight, etc. One of the best things about Herbalife weight loss products is that they are great tasting products, easy-to-use, and is definitely effective in losing weight. Best of all, the prices are relatively affordable when compared to other weight loss products. To know more of the benefits that herbalife weight loss products can do for you, here is a list of the advantages. 1. One of the best things about Herbalife weight loss products is that you do not only lose pounds but also inches. This means that Herbalife weight loss products do not just get rid of excess fats but also tone and shape the body built, curbing the imminent re-accumulation of fats. 2. Herbalife weight loss products do not only make you lose weight but also supply you with the nutrients that are needed by the body’s cells on a daily basis. 3. Herbalife weight loss products are known to have excellent taste that is why more and more people who have tried it are satisfied with its yummy flavors. 4. Best of all, Herbalife weight loss products lets you eat more of the foods you like without having to worry about accumulating more weight in the end. 5. Herbalife weight loss products are also known to help you lessen the extra calorie ingestion. Hence, losing weight will be more effective. What’s more, Herbalife weight loss products give you the pleasing feeling that curbs your hunger while you lose weight. The bottom line is that your mission for preventing weight gain, should you decide to accept it, is to eat fewer calories when you are not involved in activities that burn up those calories. Then, try to incorporate these herbalife weight loss products in your diet. In the end, you will achieve the ideal weight you have long wanted to obtain.

Benefits of Number One Weight Loss Plan

Herbalife is the largest natural weight loss company in the world. Herbalife has grown to be the #1 proven way to lose weight fast, safely and effectively. Herbalife has proven to be effective by helping over 40 million people already. They are known for sponsoring the Olympics, and LA Galaxy Soccer Team, featuring star player David Beckham! Herbalife is known for their 100% natural products. Every item that Herbalife formulates, is derived from all natural ingredients. By doing this, they are able to provide us with a product that gives our bodies the nutrition it's lacking. When your body lacks proper nutrition, it tends to absorb all the bad properties of our food. The reason for this is because your body is starving for nutrition. So when you do feed it, it grabs onto whatever it can, searching for the good nutrition in the food. But when the food you eat has no good nutrition, it will hang onto whatever it can. Causing us to gain weight and develop health problems. Now when your body is operating at a healthy level, you will notice you have more energy, begin losing weight, and possibly elimate your health problems. Herbalife can help each and every person in the world. Even if you don't need to lose weight, Herbalife products are used for many other reasons. Herbalife offers a 100%, 30 day money back guarantee! Benefits from using Herbalife Products... * Herbalife can help you lose, gain and maintain weight * Herbalife can help lower your Cholesterol * Herbalife can help lower your Blood Pressure * Herbalife can help eliminate Diabetes * Herbalife will increase your Energy Levels * Herbalife can help eliminate Urinary Tract Infections * Herbalife can help your allergies * Herbalife builds Muscle * Herbalife can help with Joint Pain * Herbalife can Eliminate Pain * Herbalife can Strengthen your Bones * Herbalife will boost your Immune System * Herbalife promotes Heart Efficiency * Herbalife can eliminate Muscle Spasms * Herbalife can help with Menopause and Pre Menopause * Herbalife helps with Stress Management * Herbalife promotes Digestive Health And More! Who can use Herbalife? * Men * Women * Children Herbalife is the easiest program to follow. Whether you are on the go, at home or in the office, Herbalife products can go anywhere. With the convenient shake packets, and instant meals, you will never have to worry about a thing. Why is Herbalife Different from all those other programs you tried? * Easy * Customizable * No Cravings * You can still eat what you love * No counting * No dizziness, nausea, or jitters * No hungry feeling * Chemical free * Natural Energy * No artificial ingredients * No Caffeine additives; Only natural caffeine * You will maintain your weight after you lose it * AND MORE! Don't struggle any longer. There are product discounts available and you have nothing to lose besides unwanted pounds.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Healthy Weight Loss & Menopause

This is a subject close to my heart. I have found that Herbalife has helped me dramatically with the changes in my body since Menopause. I thought my weight gain was something that I would have to live with, with Herbalife you do not nor do you have to suffer with all the other great things that Menopause brings to us lucky ladies. So read and adbsorb and contact me to order yours today. or email me Women, around the age of 50 and even those in their early 40’s and late 60’s go through menopause. It’s very important for women to stay healthy during this phase. Herbalife for Menopause can help you deal with this major change. What Happens During Menopause? All women experience menopause as they age. It is a natural event in a woman’s life that marks the end of her reproductive period – no more releasing of eggs and production of estrogen. Menopause before the age of 40 is known as premature menopause (regardless of the cause – surgery or damaged ovaries), premenopause starts several years before menopause when ovaries slowly generate less estrogen and postmenopause which is the years after menopause and is the stage menopausal symptoms cease. Herbalife for Menopause – Women and Their Health It’s extremely vital for women to stay healthy during menopause. A well-balanced diet and choosing appropriate supplements for menopause are very essential. These days, including natural products in daily regimens have become a staple as a lot of women are starting to be conscious of their nutritional health. Herbalife is a superb starting point for women in search of nutritional alternatives. Vitamins and minerals provide menopausal support to women who are going through mid-life changes because of menopause. These essential nutrients are necessary for tackling common health issues of women such as bone, heart and hormonal health. FYI: We recommend women to consult with their doctors to evaluate and address their individual questions on menopause. Here Is A List of The Products We Recommend to Members Who Are Experiencing Menopause ◾ Formula 1 Shake, Formula 2 Multivitamins and Cell Activator They are usually taken together. Formula 2 multivitamins (a good source of a multitude of other vitamins, minerals and herbs) have the important folate (folic acid), B6 and B12 that will sustain a normal level of homocysteine – a risk factor in heart health. Cell Activator will help enhance mineral and nutrient absorption of Formula 1 and 2 as well as prevent you from feeling weary (a very common menopausal symptom). Herbalife Formula 1 Formula 1 Shake WM_ENHANCERS_Formula_2_Multivitamin_Complex Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex WM_ENHANCERS_Cell_Activator Cell Activator * Replace one meal with Formula 1 Shake for weight maintenance; Replace two meals with Formula 1 Shakes for weight loss; Add 3 Formula 1 Shakes on top of 3 normal meals for weight gain. * Take 1 capsule of Formula 2 three times a day with meals. Formula 2 can be taken together with Formula 1 Shake Mix. * Take 1 capsule of Cell Activator 3 times a day. ◾ Xtra-Cal Women need calcium in their diet. Sufficient calcium can help minimize the risk of osteoporosis later in life. About 1,000-1,500 mg of calcium a day must be consumed by menopausal women as they have weaker bones which can develop into osteoporosis. Xtra-Cal is one of the most concentrated forms of calcium and has other nutrients and vitamins such as magnesium and vitamin D which helps promote bone and skeletal health. Herbalife-Xtra-Cal * Take 3 tablets a day with meals as a dietary supplement. ◾ RoseGuard Women going through menopause have lower antioxidant levels which boosts the effect of menopausal symptoms. RoseGuard supplies antioxidants to alleviate symptoms commonly associated with menopause. RoseGuard: * Take 1 tablet a day with meals. ◾ Herbalifeline Omega 3 Fish Oil Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for good health. Herbalifeline Omega 3 can help protect your heart as well as boost its functioning, support your joint (perfect for knee pain) and give you flawless, younger looking skin. It’s common to spot wrinkles on your hands due to menopause, omega 3 will firm up your skin so you can look younger than your age. Herbalifeline-fish-oil * Take 1-3 capsules 3 times a day with meals. With Herbalife for menopause, women in this stage need not worry about their health. These products will help further promote women’s health so a life of well-being is within reach!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Healthy Weight Loss & Water

Whether you are on a weight loss program or not water is very important to your well being. Rule of thumb take your body weight and divide by 2 this is the total ounces you should be drinking every day. So "Don't Forget To Drink Your Water Today!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Herbalife Total Control-Order Yours Today

This advanced metabolism support formula maximizes weight-loss results by delivering green tea extract and yerba mate, ginger with11 other boosting herbs for maximum results. Free from ephedra this new Total Control promotes weight loss without causing irritability or restlessness. You can reach your weight-loss goal easily and comfortably. A powerful herbal enhancer for more effective weight loss. Key Benefits • Boosts metabolism to assist the fat burning process • Boost energy and soothes digestion • Promotes weight loss Key Ingredients of Herbalife Total Control • Green, black and oolong tea blend contributes naturally occurring caffeine to help boost metabolism and build energy* • Ginger, for digestive calming benefit* Recommended Use Take one tablet three times a day-with breakfast, lunch and a mid-afternoon snack. Boost your weight loss and rev up your metabolism with this powerful blend of green tea, yerba maté, cacao and 11 other powerful herbs.* or restlessness. Build energy and soothe digestion* For best results, use with your preferred Herbalife Weight-Management Program. Herbalife Total Control Q&A Question: Does Total ControlTM contain ephedra, ephedrine, or ephedrine alkaloids? Answer: No. This is a non-ephedra product. Question: Why should I take Total Control TM on an empty stomach? Answer: Ideally, it should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before meals, preferably before lunch and dinner. Certain ingredients such as DLPA, Tyrosine and DMAE will work best on an empty stomach, while other ingredients, including Green Tea, Yerba Mate and Damiana, delay gastric (stomach) emptying. As a result, it will be most effective if taken 30 to 60 minutes before a meal. Question: Does Total Control TM contain caffeine? What is the amount of caffeine in this product? Answer: Yes. This product contains approximately 84 mg of caffeine per tablet, roughly equivalent to one cup of coffee or black tea. Question: Can I use it with the Thermojetics® Gold High Protein, Low Carb product line? Answer: Absolutely. It can be used with the Thermojetics® Green Weight-Management or Gold High Protein, Low Carb Programs. Question: What is the maximum number of tablets that I can take at one time, and what is the maximum amount of tablets that I can take daily? Answer: The recommended amount is 1 to 2 tablets twice per day. Question: Does this product have any special notices on the label? Answer: There is a special notice for pregnant or lactating women. Total Control TM is not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation. Also, there is a phenylketonurics notice on the label. A phenylketonurics notice is required on all foods or dietary supplements that contain added phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. Individuals who are born with a rare metabolic disorder, phenylketonuria, are unable to metabolize this amino acid properly and must avoid foods and dietary supplements that contain phenylalanine

Monday, October 20, 2014

Herbalife Ultimate Weight Loss Program ON SALE!

Herbalife Ultimate Weight Loss Program-On Sale Now!!!! Order it between now and October 31st and save $$$$. This program on sale for $162.75. This is $10.00 cheaper than the Advanced Program. Get more bang for your buck!

Healthy Weight Loss-Order by October 31st and save 25%

Starting today thru October 31st I will be offering 25% off your orders. What a time to buy and try our amazing products. Do you have some unwanted pounds to shed before the holidays, do you want to feel great and look amazing now is the time to do it. Just like Christmas coming early. Need help with what you may need just send me a message and we can talk about your needs.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Herbalife Digestive Health Program

Digestive Health is not the easiest topic to talk about. Diarrhea, bloating, constipation, indigestion, acid reflux and bowel movements are not the first thing that come to mind when talking to your friends. At the same time, we all deal with these issues at one point or another in our lives. A strong digestive system is the key to a healthy you. It all begins with a deep cleanse to remove built up toxins from your liver and digestive tract. Herbalife Digestive Health Program: 1.Herbalife Aloe Concentrate 2.Florafiber 3.21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program These products are designed to work together and give you a deep cleanse by soothing your stomach, detoxing your liver, and pulling toxins from your digestive tract. Herbalife Aloe Concentrate The Aloe Concentrate is a great way to soothe your stomach, help with indigestion issues, and assist in the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. It comes in a Mango flavor or unflavored and can be taken mixed with water or your favorite beverage. Aloe water is great to take before drinking an Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal Shake or any meal. It will help resolve acid reflux issues too! Florafiber Florafiber is a combination of fiber and acidophilus. It is a probiotic that provides friendly bacteria to your intestines which is huge when it comes to digestive health. Diet, travel, and stress can disrupt your natural balance of good bacteria, which is a big reason people get sick when they’re traveling or stressed. 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program AM Replenishing Formula is a Milk Thistle pill that detoxifies the liver. It breaks up toxins built up in your liver from food, alcohol, water, and even air pollution that you breath in on a daily basis. PM Cleansing Formula is a Dandelion pill. Dandelion has been used throughout history as a natural herbal supplement for a variety of different issues. It is believed to aid an upset stomach, intestinal gas, joint pain, skin issues, and a plethora of daily annoyances. The AM and PM Formulas were designed to work together to clean out your digestive system in a healthy supportive way. People can carry up to 10 pounds of extra weight in their digestive tract. Cleansing your digestive tract can be an easy way to shed a few extra pounds without changing your diet or exercise habits. Conclusion Taking these products for 21 days will improve your liver function, digestion, and make your trips to the bathroom more regular. They will make you feel an increase in energy and lighter on your feet. It is recommended to do a deep cleanse with the changing of each season to maximize your results. If not, you should definitely do at least one cleanse per year.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Prolessa Duo-Stope Hunger Reduces Fat

Herbalife launches a new satiety, hunger stopping and fat reducing product named Prolessa Duo. Using clinically tested ingredients in a combination to support hunger control and fat reduction. This exclusive blend is available in powder form for the first time. Studies have shown the active ingredients in Prolessa Duo powder cause a diminished appetite and fat reduction around the hips causing a loss of circumference on average 0.4 inches when consuming Herbalife's Prolessa Duo powder. •Drastic reduction of calorie intake •Feel full with Herbalife Prolessa •Stimulant free •Clinically tested ingredients
How To Use Herbalife Prolessa Duo Add one scoop of Prolessa Duo per day to your Herbalife shake as a booster, Or to milk, soy milk or yogurt. For best results, make your Herbalife shake, then add one scoop of Prolessa Duo and mix for an additional 5 – 10 seconds.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Benefits of Herbalife Weight Loss Porducts

To know more of the benefits that Herbalife weight loss products can do for you, here is a list of the advantages. 1. One of the best things about Herbalife weight loss products is that you do not only lose many kilos but also inches. This means that Herbalife weight loss products do not just get rid of excess fats but also tone and shape the body built, curbing the imminent re-accumulation of fats. 2. Herbalife weight loss products do not only make you lose weight but also supply you with the nutrients that are needed by the body’s cells on a daily basis. 3. Herbalife weight loss products are known to have excellent taste that is why more and more people who have tried it are satisfied with its yummy flavors. 4. Best of all, Herbalife weight loss products lets you eat more of the foods you like without having to worry about accumulating more weight in the end. 5. Herbalife weight loss products are also known to help you lessen the extra calorie ingestion. Hence, losing weight will be more effective. Best of all, the prices are relatively affordable when compared to other weight loss products. What’s more, Herbalife weight loss products give you the pleasing feeling that curbs your hunger while you lose weight. The bottom line is that your mission for preventing weight gain, should you decide to accept it, is to eat fewer calories when you are not involved in activities that burn up those calories. Then, try to incorporate these Herbalife
weight loss products in your diet. In the end, you will achieve the ideal weight you have long wanted to obtain.

Mental Energy: How To Use Food To Feel More Alert

Do you find yourself struggling with "brain fog"? Your diet may be to blame, Herbalife Nutrition Expert Susan Bowerman, explains how to use food to stay alert during the day in her recent blog: Want to feel more alert? To keep up your mental energy and focus, you’ve got to eat the right foods, at the right time. A client recently complained that she suffered from ‘brain fog’. “My mental energy is shot and I can’t focus.” So she wondered…“is it something I’m eating?” Possibly. But more likely, it’s what she’s not eating that’s leaving her mental energy flagging. As a full-time student and a new mom, her eating patterns are erratic and she’s often grabbing something on the run, and relies on coffee to keep her going. Without the right foods to give her brain the fuel it needs, she can’t possibly expect to keep her mental energy in high gear. The next time your mental energy is fading and you feel like you can’t string two sentences together, think back. When did you last eat? What did you have? Have you been drinking enough liquids? Skipped meals, unbalanced meals, and dehydration can all zap your mental energy and focus. (And don’t forget that getting adequate sleep and rest is part of the equation, too). How what you eat affects your mental energy What is mental energy, anyway? It’s actually got several features – including your overall mood, your motivation, as well as your attention and focus. When your mental engine is revved up, there’s a good chance your diet had something to do with it. So, here’s some “food for thought”. What to eat to keep your mental energy up all day long - Carbs fuel your brain Mental energy: how to use food to feel more alert | Herbalife nutrition adviceGlucose is the only fuel that normally feeds your brain cells – and it’s derived from the carbohydrates in your diet. After they’re broken down during the digestive process, carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as glucose (your ‘blood sugar’). Since your brain is active 24/7, it has high energy demands – higher, in fact, than any other cells in your body. And, since brain cells – the neurons – can’t store glucose, your brain needs a continuous supply. Stick with the healthy carbs – fruits, vegetables and whole grains – to give your brain the fuel it craves. These high fiber foods take time to digest, which leads to a gradual release of glucose into your system. On the other hand, a meal high in refined carbohydrates – think starchy, sugary foods – can actually backfire on you. Since these foods are digested relatively quickly, you may experience a quick rise in your blood sugar… often followed by a quick drop. And that blood sugar ‘crash’ can make you feel mentally sluggish. - Your brain wants fuel at regular intervals Since your brain wants a steady source of glucose, it’s important to eat at regular intervals throughout the day to keep your mental energy from taking a nosedive. Aim for small meals and snacks every 3-4 hours. - Your brain wants breakfast There’s plenty to be said about the importance of breakfast, and giving your brain a boost is just another reason to fuel up first thing. While you were sleeping, your brain was plenty busy - and it burned through lots of fuel overnight – and the tank is pretty empty by morning. Do your brain a favor and start your day with a well-balanced breakfast that includes both healthy carbohydrates and a shot of protein. - The best proteins for your brain Even though your brain doesn’t use protein directly for fuel, it does use amino acids – derived from the proteins that you eat – to manufacture important brain chemicals. Tyrosine, for example, is an amino acid (found in poultry, fish, dairy products, nuts and beans) that your body uses to make a brain chemical called dopamine that promotes alertness and brain activity. Another amino acid, called tryptophan (also found in seafood, poultry, dairy products and soybeans), is needed to make another brain chemical called serotonin, which leads to feelings of calmness and contentment. - The best beverages for the brain When your body is dehydrated, it can affect your mood and your energy level. Mild dehydration reduces alertness and your ability to concentrate, and by the time you feel thirsty, your mental energy has already taken a hit. Water is always a good choice, but coffee and tea in moderation are fine, too. Caffeine-containing beverages may help with focus and concentration – but be smart about it. You don’t want to ignore your diet and simply rely on caffeine to keep you going through the day. You need to hydrate properly and eat right. And, monitor your own response to the caffeine you’re taking in. If it makes you jittery or keeps you up at night, you’d be wise to cut back. Using caffeine for a brain boost during the day won’t do you much good if it interferes with a good night’s sleep.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Contact me today let me show you the one and only program that you will ever need to reach your goals. It is all about 20% exercise 80% nutrition. The tools are made available it is up to you to make them work and I will show you how to use them to achieve your goals.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


There is no reason to skip a meal with the convenience of Formula 1 shakes. So easy less than a minute to make and POW you have a nutritious meal. Add extra personal protein and increase the fat burning process! So many recipes to make you will never be bored with your meals. I can help you with your order.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I am not only a distributor/coach I am also use the product every day. These are my results. These three programs are the starting tools that you will need to start your journey to better health. If you would like to shed those unwanted pounds and gain more energy and feel better. Contact me, I will sit with you and go over the program and we will find the program that works best for you and your budget plus I will coach you 100% of the way, I don't want to just sell you the tools I want to be there to help you use them to their fullest potential so that you will achieve your goals.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Just want to put this out there. Hopefully you see this tonight and the seed will be planted while you sleep. Give yourself the best gift this year. Only 2 months till Christmas and we are always thinking of what the perfect gift is to give others. Well this year get yourself the gift of getting healthy, the gift of more energy and feeling the awesomeness of a new you. I will be there 100% to help you achieve this goal! Contact me and I will help you get the program that fits your needs.


Listening to the news and they are predicting more consumer holiday buying this year and starting sooner. Why not give the gift of health this year instead. Show that loved you that you care and get them on the road to the new healthier person that lies within them. Do it with them give yourself a gift! And my gift to you will be to coach them/you 100% to help them reach their goals.


Happy Monday another great week to get started on the new you! If you hesitate to get on that scale or don't want to know your measurements then let's talk. I would love to get you on the program that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. How would you like to also save money on your entire weight loss journey and I will be there 100% as your coach to help you get there. Contact me today to find out how.

EASY AS 3--2-1

What could be easier! This is the easiest weight loss program I have ever done. Write down the goals you want to achieve then contact me and we will come up with a program that meets your needs and fits into your budget! I will coach you 100% of the way to make sure your goals are met. Can't wait to hear from you.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Meal replacement shakes take the guesswork out of calorie and portion control, while delivering healthy ingredients and great taste. A number of clinical studies have shown that using meal replacements as part of a weight loss plan can be more effective than counting calories with an all-food plan. Consumers who use Herbalife® Formula 1 twice per day as part of a healthy lifestyle can generally expect to lose around 0.5 to 1 pound per week. Participants in a 12-week, single-blind, study used Formula 1 twice per day (once as a meal and once as a snack) as part of a reduced calorie diet and a goal of 30 minutes of exercise per day. Participants followed either a high protein diet or a standard protein diet. Participants in both groups lost about 8.5 pounds over the 12-week period. Meal replacement shakes can also be customized, too. By choosing to mix with milk or soy milk, adding a favorite fruit, or tossing in some extra protein powder, a personalized meal can be had in minutes. Convenient, delicious, healthy, portion controlled meals – what more could a dieter ask for?

Maintain Good Nutrition

Proper, balanced nutrition provides the nutrients you need every day to fuel your daily activities, promote and maintain a lifetime of good health and make your best shape a reality. The right nutrition is balanced nutrition. Committing to these simple nutrition guidelines can put good health within reach. "Start everyday with balanced nutrition and essential nutrients for a healthy, active lifestyle." Healthy Breakfast Start your day right! Breakfast is important because it kick-starts your metabolism and provides energy for you to use throughout your day. TIP: Healthy Breakfast, Healthy Choice For breakfast, enjoy a Formula 1 shake made with nonfat milk, fruit and Personalized Protein Powder, according to your needs. Small Frequent Meals Reduced meal portions, eaten frequently throughout the day, help you prevent energy slumps and unhealthy snack cravings. Nutritious Snacks Fruits, vegetables and small servings of protein – such as nuts, yogurt or low-fat cheese during mid-morning and mid-afternoon – help you avoid overeating at lunch or dinner time. Regular Hydration Ensure a regular intake of fluids to stay properly hydrated. Essential Nutrients Your body needs nutrients to function properly or your health will suffer. Getting the right amount of nutrients is called Balanced Nutrition. The nutrients known to be essential for human beings are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins and water. Vitamins & Minerals
These are an important part of a balanced diet needed to support your body’s healthy functioning and

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Breakfast The Healthy Way

So which breakfast did you have this morning, the one on the left will give you very little nutritional value other than a sugar high of energy for about an hour then at 9-9:30 you will be crashing and hungry again and wanting to take a nap the one on the left is full of nutritional value that will increase your energy, metabolism and keep you going without the crash and has 260 less garbage calories. Contact me if you would like to start your day the healthy way and gain more energy, feel better and lose weight. It is all up to you, plus you save over $3.00 each day with your morning meal. That is a great monthly savings that you can put toward the new clothes you are going to have to buy when you lose that weight!

The Shrinking Tea

I love my tea. Ditch the coffee and have a glass of tea hot or cold. I have mine in the morning with a teaspoon of active fiber and a splash of aloe concentrate. Get that metabolism going and start burning those calories. Feeling like you need a boost have another glass mid morning and mid afternoon. So yummy and burns 80 calories per glass. Order your today!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Let Me Help You Take The First Step

Let me help you take the first step. We won't try to accomplish the whole staircase the first day but we will take it together one step, one day at a time. Let me help you achieve your goals. I don't want to just sell you the tools to achieve your goals I want to be on the journey with you all the way. I am offering a great discount that will help you get on the program that will work to get you where you want to be. To find out how to save on your order contact me

Bikini In A Cup-Drink Daily And See The Inches Melt Away

Directions: 4 scoops of Beverage Mix 2 scoops Active Fiber Powder 6 capfuls Mango Aloe 12 oz water. Drink 1-2 x a day, enjoy and melt away! to order yours today!

Importance of Drinking Water

Your body is more water than it is anything else – about 60-70% of your body weight is water. The fluid in your body has an amazing number of important tasks. You need to drink enough water so that your body can properly digest your food and deliver nutrients to your cells – and to get rid of substances that your body doesn’t want. Without enough water, keeping your body temperature where it should be would be a challenge, your joints would lack lubrication and your muscles would tire more quickly, too. The bottom line is this: every cell, tissue and organ needs water in order to function properly. 7 Tips to Help you Drink More Water If you find it hard to drink enough water every day, here are some tips that might help you. •See it. It can be really helpful if you can actually see the amount of water you plan to drink and to track your progress over the course of the day. Put the amount of water you plan to have in a pitcher on your kitchen counter or keep it at your desk. It will serve as a reminder to drink more, and you’ll be motivated to sip on it as the day goes by – and meet your goal of finishing it. •Cool it. Cold water often seems more refreshing than room-temperature water. Try stashing a bottle of water in your freezer, and carry it with you during the day. It will stay cold for several hours, and you might be encouraged to drink more. •Wake up to it. “Morning mouth” is a reminder that most of us are naturally a bit dehydrated in the morning. So, keep a glass of water by your bed, and drink it first thing – before your feet even hit the floor. •Sip it. Try sipping through a straw. Maybe it’s just more fun, maybe it’s that you take larger sips of water - I don’t know why this works, but lots of people tell me that they drink more water when they use a straw. •Flavor it. Make your own spa water. Add a slice of fresh lemon or lime, some cucumber, a few berries, some fresh mint or a slice of fresh ginger to your water. It makes it feel special and adds a hint of refreshing flavor. •Eat it. Treat water like an appetizer and start your meals with a glass of water. Not only will you work more water into your day, it might curb your appetite a bit, too. •Track it. Just like keeping track of your calorie intake, keeping track of how much water you drink can help a lot, too. I personally have a 20oz bottle on my desk at work and I know that I have to fill it and drink it 3 times during the day to get the amount of water that I am required to have every day, however, I do drink more, as when I run I always bring water with me. So don't skimp on the water, it is a very important part of helping you meet your weight loss goals. If you would like more information on the product that I sell that can help you meet your weight loss goals and help you feel more energized and get to a healthier place in your life please contact me.