Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Importance of Drinking Water

Your body is more water than it is anything else – about 60-70% of your body weight is water. The fluid in your body has an amazing number of important tasks. You need to drink enough water so that your body can properly digest your food and deliver nutrients to your cells – and to get rid of substances that your body doesn’t want. Without enough water, keeping your body temperature where it should be would be a challenge, your joints would lack lubrication and your muscles would tire more quickly, too. The bottom line is this: every cell, tissue and organ needs water in order to function properly. 7 Tips to Help you Drink More Water If you find it hard to drink enough water every day, here are some tips that might help you. •See it. It can be really helpful if you can actually see the amount of water you plan to drink and to track your progress over the course of the day. Put the amount of water you plan to have in a pitcher on your kitchen counter or keep it at your desk. It will serve as a reminder to drink more, and you’ll be motivated to sip on it as the day goes by – and meet your goal of finishing it. •Cool it. Cold water often seems more refreshing than room-temperature water. Try stashing a bottle of water in your freezer, and carry it with you during the day. It will stay cold for several hours, and you might be encouraged to drink more. •Wake up to it. “Morning mouth” is a reminder that most of us are naturally a bit dehydrated in the morning. So, keep a glass of water by your bed, and drink it first thing – before your feet even hit the floor. •Sip it. Try sipping through a straw. Maybe it’s just more fun, maybe it’s that you take larger sips of water - I don’t know why this works, but lots of people tell me that they drink more water when they use a straw. •Flavor it. Make your own spa water. Add a slice of fresh lemon or lime, some cucumber, a few berries, some fresh mint or a slice of fresh ginger to your water. It makes it feel special and adds a hint of refreshing flavor. •Eat it. Treat water like an appetizer and start your meals with a glass of water. Not only will you work more water into your day, it might curb your appetite a bit, too. •Track it. Just like keeping track of your calorie intake, keeping track of how much water you drink can help a lot, too. I personally have a 20oz bottle on my desk at work and I know that I have to fill it and drink it 3 times during the day to get the amount of water that I am required to have every day, however, I do drink more, as when I run I always bring water with me. So don't skimp on the water, it is a very important part of helping you meet your weight loss goals. If you would like more information on the product that I sell that can help you meet your weight loss goals and help you feel more energized and get to a healthier place in your life please contact me.

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