Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Why Be Active

Regular physical activity has many benefits. It is a potent stress buster, it can help keep weight off and it lowers your risk of developing major chronic diseases. Additional benefits include increased energy, stronger bones and muscles, improved sleep, improved body shape, a boost to mental wellbeing and a change in your outlook on life. For some quick tips, see below. 1 Renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Think about increasing the types of activities that work for your lifestyle and that can easily be built into your day. Make it a point to read up on fitness news and information, such as this article about exercise. Put your fitness plan into action today! 2 Aerobic exercise is important for the cardiovascular system. It’s defined by repetitive motion such as running, swimming or cycling. It can also tone muscles. Incorporating a little of both aerobic and resistance training is best for your daily routine. 3 Set small, specific goals you can stick to (like losing 5 percent of body weight or exercising three times a week, etc.) Drink green tea (which helps promote weight loss). Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables during your day. 4 Resistance exercise is important for healthy muscles and bones. It also builds strength. It’s defined by activities with short bursts of energy, such as weight lifting, playing sports and even pushing a lawn mower. Ideally, you need both resistance exercise and aerobic exercise to keep your body operating at its peak. 5 Simple ways work for getting fit – you don’t need to join a gym. If you become more active in your everyday life – such as parking your car further and walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even walking to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing them – you’ll get fit faster. 6 Your metabolism doesn’t slow with age. It’s just that as people get older they do less strength-training and can lose lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism – and the faster you’ll lose weight. Keep your exercise and activity levels up each year, and you’ll simultaneously maintain your muscle tone, keep your metabolism up and maximize healthy weight loss. 7 At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, at least five times each week, will keep you physically active. You can split each half hour into three 10-minute sessions. If 30 minutes are out of reach right now, start with what you can do and gradually build up. 8 Keep hydrated by consuming at least two liters of water each day. It is even more important to drink water before, during and after exercise. Even low-intensity exercise requires you to be well-hydrated. 9 Rest between workouts and allow your body time to recover. This was from the Herbalife home page. I thought it was very helpful and wanted to share it with you. With Herbalife if is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition. If you follow the plan and get the minimum amount of exercise that is required you will see results the first week. I would love to help you achieve your goals and help you get healthy. GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us United States | English

Friday, September 26, 2014

You Are What You Eat

Do you know that the average person that goes out and eats lunch everyday spends an average of $7.17 per meal. This is a meal that consist of additives, fats, very little nutritional value and averages around 1300 calories per meal. On top of all or the lack of nutritional value you will also feel tired and not energized and just feel all out YUCK! The Formula 1 shake is a nutritional meal that will give you energy and make you feel better and also help with your weight loss goals. If you replace 2 meals a day with these shakes you will see results in the first week as long as you follow the program. The average cost per meal is $1.78. That is a total savings of $5.39 from the unhealthy meal. There are vitamins that will help with your cellular health also. I have been on this program since April and I have lost a total of 25lbs, have gained all sorts of energy and have never felt better. After one month on the program I felt so good that I signed up for my 1st 5k. Needless to say I have never run a 5k before and never ran that far in my entire life. I finished the race in 40 minutes I beat my goal of 45 minutes and that was the beginning of my desire to run. If I had tried to do that before at 150lbs I would not have been able to do this. At this point I had just lost maybe 10lbs that first month. I continued running and am still enjoying the benefits of my new found health. I believe that this program has also reversed the aging process for me as well as many other people I know that are on it. I not only feel 20 years younger but feel like I look more like late 30's than early 50's. See my blog from yesterday I have picutres posted from back in the early 90's and my current picture. You decide how you would like to feel. Me I take my current health and wellness to what I felt like a year ago any day. If you would like to learn how to do this as I have please contact me and let me show you the program. I will be with you 100% of the way on your journey to losing weight and feeling healthy. GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Your Diet can be the Fountain of Youth

Have you ever thought about your diet. When you go on an unhealthy diet which suggests that you basically starve yourself by depriving your body of the food that it needs to fuel the energy to burn the fat that it is not a healthy way to lose the weight. However, if you go on a diet plan that has you putting good vitamins and food into your body you will be amazed at the results that you will achieve. First of all your body needs vitamins and food to fuel the energy it takes to burn the fat. Your body also needs exercise. The perfect program that I have found is feeding yourself with healthy good foods and vitamins and not depriving your body of the essential nutrients. I started my diet in April and have been just amazed at the results that I have gotten. I never feel hungry, if anything I have to remind my self to eat. You need to fuel your body every couple of hours to keep the fires burning. My example of an ordinary day is I have a couple of herbal tea and aloe upon waking, then I have a Formula 1 shake for breakfast, there are so many delicious recipes to make with this you will have a hard time choosing which one you will want, then about 10am I have a protein drink (I do this one only because I am working and I don't have time to fix anything else in the morning) but you could have yogurt, hard boiled eggs, veggies, tuna pita pocket, anything that is healthy and has protein. Then at lunch I do cottage cheese and yogurt, or tuna pita pocket, salad with veggies and avocado. Then at 2pm small salad, eggs, tuna, veggies w/hummus, peanut butter, protein shake, again anything protein. Then for dinner we always eat what I call a colorful meal, chicken, port, fish, grain, salad, a lot of color. Color is good. This has been the easiest diet I have ever been on and I plan on staying this way even when I am done loosing the last 5 lbs. It has taught me the importance of nutrition and exercise. I am posting these pictures so that you can see what I am talking about the "Fountain of Youth" One picture of me is from when my kids were 7 & 10 years old, they are not 28 & 31 and the other picture was taken last month. If you would like to know how I did this and hear about the greatest weight loss program around please contact me. You will not be sorry.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Make Today The Beginning Of Something Special

Happy Fall!... Let today be the beginning of something special that you do for yourself. Take the leap of faith and take some time and look at where you are and where you want to be with your health and wellness. Is today the day that you say to yourself I want to lose this extra weight, I want to have more energy, I want to feel healthier. Are you tired of being tired? Our program will make you feel amazing. Before I started I was at the heaviest I had ever gotten, of course I blamed it on menopause. The dreaded "M" word that we all deny until it happens. When I turned 45 I started having a harder time staying active and keeping those pounds from creeping up on me. I denied that I was even getting close to the big "M" and just shrugged it off as being happy again and that when you are happy then you are suppose to gain weight. Well that is an old wives tale. I took my health by the reins this past April and decided enough was enough. I started the program that fit my needs and I was totally amazed with the results that I have gotten. I was so impressed I decided that I wanted to help others achieve their goals also. If you are struggling with your weight and want to take control then contact me and we can find the program that meets your needs. I am not going to just find you the program but I am going to be your wellness coach thru your entire journey. We will make the adjustments that need to be made to your life that will make you more conscience of what you are putting into your body and make it a healthier happier you. Whether you are 20 or you are 60 I can help you. Let today be the beginning of something special! GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us

Friday, September 19, 2014

14 Day Fat Flush

The 14- Day- Fat Flush – Herbalife Herbal Tea Concentrate (1/2 Teaspoon) – Herbalife Beverage Mix Wild Berry (2 Scoops) – Herbalife Herbal Aloe Concentrate (3 Capfuls) – Herbalife Active Fiber Complex (1 Scoop) Shake or blend with 16 ounces of water/ice. Do this every morning for 14 days & it will help boost your protein & fiber intake along with your metabolism! The 15 grams of protein will help strengthen your muscles, burning more calories every day! Get your 14- Day- Fat Flush- package now! GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cost To Get Healthy

So how many of you eat the "healthier" fast food meals? Would you agree that the "healthier" daily lunch average is $5-$7 per day for just one meal. If I told you that you could eat healthier and start feeling amazing for less than that per day would you be totally in awe and wonder how you could do this. Let me tell you how. With Herbalife they have 3 different programs to get you on your way to achieving your weight loss goals. The average cost per day for a 30 day program is $3.77 to $7.25 per day! The Quickstart program is for anyone that has 10-20lbs to lose. The Advanced program is 20-50lbs and the Ultimate is for 50lbs or more. If you would like to learn more contact me. Like me on facebook Herbalife Wellness Program and see my daily post and tips. GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fad Diets vs Lifestyle Change

How many of us have spent tons of money on that new miracle fad diet that you saw on the early morning infommercial. I know I had fallen victim to them. Take this pill and you won't have to exercise and lose tons of weight. You starved yourself and lost the weight only to gain it all back plus some. Let me show you how you can lose the weight the healthy way. Herbalife is not a diet it is a healthy lifestyle change. Contact me and I will get you on the right program to meet your needs and budget. Like me on Facebook and follow my post there Herbalife Wellness Program. If you are serious about shedding those pounds and getting more energy let me help you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Healthy Weight Management

Over 2/3 of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. Herbalie Weight Management products provide a nutitious, satisfying alternative for moder, fast-food lifestyles. Based on Cellular Nutrition, our science-based products are delicious and easy to use, and can be personalized for you depending on whenter you want to lose, gain or maintain weight. If you want to lose weight: Substitue two of your three daily meals with a Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nuturitional Shake. Maintain Weight: Substitute a Formula 1 shake for one of your daily meals. Gain Weight: Add three Formula 1 shakes to your diet. Formula 1 Healthy Nutritional Shakes includes up to 21 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. 9 grams of soy protein, or 18 grams of protein when mixed with nonfat milk or soy or almond milk per serving, plus fiber to help support weight management. No matter what your nutritian goals, achieving it is as eas as 1-2-3! GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us

Customer Results

I was a customer before I became a Wellness Coach and wanted to share my story.  I had a friend introduce me to Herbalife about a year ago.  I was in need to lose some weight so I decided to give it a try.  I was not serious enough I guess because I thought I could just 1/2 follow the plan and see results well I didn't so I just stopped and continued to gain weight.  This Spring I jumped on a scale and was shocked that I had gained so much weight.  I immediately called my friend and told her I was ready to commit to myself and take control of my life.  I ordered my first Herbalife Weight Lose Program and read the program.  I understood this time it was not a diet but a lifestyle change.  It makes you aware of what is healthy for you and what you should avoid.  It is not a diet where you have to purchase their food.  You buy your food at the store and become more aware of your healthy choices.  I have lost 23 lbs on the program and feel better, have more energy and feel better about myself and decided to become a Wellness Coach to help others achieve their goals as I contine to achieve mine

Monday, September 15, 2014

Breakfast Starts Your Day

Starting your day the right way is the first step to the new you. Dump the coffee start with a glass of Herbal Tea with aloe concentrate. Great for digestive system and tea will get the calorie burning going. Then have your Formula 1 shake for breakfast. Full of all the nutrients that you need to get started. Many delicious recipes to make with the Formula 1 posted on my page GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us

20% Exercise 80% Nutrition

Whoever thought weight loss could be so easy and affordable.  With Herbalife you get all the support from your wellness coach along with a great support from all the coaches that you can imagine.  We have the programs that will fit your needs.  Do you need to lose 10, 15, 20 or more I can help.  Let me show you which program will fit your needs and your budget.  There is no buying their foods, you start eating healthier with foods that you purchase at your local grocery store.  You will not believe the energy you will gain in just a few days of adjusting your diet.  Contact me for more information.  GoHerbalife.com/susanmann/en-us